A garden invites visitors to explore it. They will be all the more likely to do so if the discoveries that they make are
not obvious or predictable. Even small areas should have their points of interest, which must of course reflect the scale and style of the house , the garden and the type of setting. |
ART.n. 2165 - Sculpture Group Neptune cm 210 - Nymphs cm 125 ART.n. 2169 Basin cm 40 x 20 x 610 x 448 |
ART.n. 1493 4 Putti h cm 80 ART.n. 1494 Basin h cm 15 x 28 x Ø 500 Sculptural reproduction of the famous "Rainbow Fountain"; the diameter of the basin and the number of "Puttos" can be changed. |
ART.n. 1478 - Basin cm 35 x 35 x Ø cm 600 Reproduction of an antique English pool surround of circular shape, generously sculpted with eggs and darts decorations. |
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Garden fountains and sculptural reproductions for homes and villas |
P.O. BOX 524 - VIA BRENTA, 11 - 36100 VICENZA - ITALY |
Fax: +39 0444 928711 - Phone: +39 0444 928499 |
email: info@italiangardenornaments.com |